Breed Health
Every dog breed carries with it some genetic health issues. Mini Schnauzers are no exception
If you are thinking of acquiring a Miniature Schnauzer, you should first familiarize yourself with the health problems some lines experience.
Not every line will produce every health issue, but some lines may have more than one. If you are familiar with the possible issues, you will be equipped to ask the breeder important questions about the health of her dogs.
It is extremely important to find a veterinarian who will work with you and one whose education and philosophies are up-to-date with current issues - especially vaccination protocols. Please read the excellent article by club member Kathy Thom (written with her own vet) regarding how to choose a great veterinarian - and why your choice is so important to the health and well-being of your schnauzer.
Helpful Articles by Kathy
An interesting and useful article (intended for breeders but educational for those planning to interview potential breeders before puppy buying) by club members Alice Gough and Kathy Thom describes health screening breeders should do prior to breeding, and certain DNA and other tests that can be performed at various stages of the dog's life to check for disease… Read More
Please note:
While the links to health information at the left/below have been carefully reviewed for general accuracy, they are NOT to be taken as promotional or representative of the views of the Cactus State MSC, its Board, or its club members. They are simply provided for website visitor reference. Please verify ALL information found on the internet with your own veterinarian.
Breed Health Concerns
Schnauzer Daily Care
Useful Reading